Saturday, July 6, 2019

Whom to We Respect More? God or Gadget!

Not Bowing One’s Head Has Been Seen in Good Light

If you recently watched any period movie where a king/warrior declines to bow his head in front of another king, you are thinking on my lines. Bowing your head had meant giving respect to the person in front of you, irrespective of the fact that he deserved any such “respect”. Brave kings are known in history for not bowing their heads and for good!

95% Bowing Their Heads

Anyways bowing the head doesn’t do any good to our neck and spine. Let me quickly come to the point. If you have traveled in Delhi Metro for a significant distance at rush hours, you must have observed at least 95% of the crowd glued to their mobiles (i.e. if you’re not glued to your mobile yourself).

Will the Concept of Terminator Hold Good?

And this is what bothers me. Bowing our heads collectively in front of our respective machines! I think James Cameron had predicted the future of machines dominating mere mortals in the year 1984 itself when he came up with the movie “Terminator”. Humans have started bowing their heads in front of machines. I wish I could be wrong but it seems that the day isn't far when our future would be in the hands of machines.