Monday, September 28, 2009

Sandeep evaluates me "frankly"

Nikunj Barnwal , The name of a person whom I really respect and follows the most of the things which he does. Knowing him more than 3.5 yrs I try to judge him .He is not only my true friend but also my mentor.
At the age of 27 he has the same positive attitude n enthusiasm, which I think had in his child hood, to learn and grow. He doesn’t care about present but he want to make his future safe and prosperous. Having done the work for 2 yrs in government t org I have doubt that he has saved some money. The monthly salary is 7K he is having 10k per month expenses ,Luxurious mobile and P/c this shows that he doesn’t care about the money but want to use the technology to learn and grow .He uses the technology at optimum level.
He thinks information is a source of inspiration to learn, to search and to absorb that info.

I think he is fortunate enough to get such a generous and a humble parent who has fulfilled his all the genuine desire to grow .He has a strong and loyal friend circle. I think this the most important saving he made throughout life. I have no doubt that there is any city in this country where his loyal friends are not there. The best thing is that he maintains that relationship .it is hard to maintain but he believes in friendship so he has to make that.
If u tell him yr problem (Personal/academic) he ll try his best to solve that or ll tell the path to go through .where ever he goes he leaves his memories in the heart of colleges/friends think he loves 3 things most in his life those are technology, books and food. He has done proper investment on these things .mobile he uses, books he reads, food/snacks he eats. he is so generous and munificent that he gives the money to other friend by taking that money from other friends, Where we ll find a such friend. Some times it disturbs him but what can be done when those thing are in his gene and habit.
I m sorry to say but in this regard he has not learned any thing from his previous mistakes
. When ever u ll try to do new thing u'll be asked many times why this, why here etc.
He likes to find the faults and correct that at same moment without caring abt the feedback forms others. he seeks the opportunity to eat , to travel and to read .this is the reason which motivates him to grow .He appreciates the efforts of others without caring of result. of others.
Although he is a good planner but he fails sometimes. he fills the form but doesn’t go ot take the test. he thinks that any investment is fruitful but this doesn’t true always.
I lived with him for 2 months I found that I was criticizing him at that time but I think that he was right .I learnt a lot of things from him of which I ll always be grateful.
He knows how to use the people (I think this thing help him working as a manager.)
How he can get his work done. but the best thing is that he doesn’t leave that person after that who helped him any how..
Although he is nothing today but he tries that the people can get a lot of thing s from him whatever little good things he has. I have doubt that he has patience but at the age of this I would follow the same path what he has followed 
Being an average student, he is continue with his study, never lost the hope for better, this is the reason he is going to become some valuable for his friends, for his family and for himself.

I think his motto of his life is never ,never ,never give up .always think positive have the good attitude The success will be yours

I am also fortunate to have the friend like u.

All the best!!!!!!!!!!

With warm regards
Sandeep Gupta
SBI CARD- Trainer

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